Now, since we are closer to Election Day the Presidential race has tightened.

This is to be expected. We are seeing states that were pretty close, than shouldn't have been.
The problem is, McCain is not up as much as he should be in the following states: Colorado, Nevada, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio and Florida. Those are all states Bush won in 2004; I can understand Ohio and Florida, but North Carolina? Virginia?
Indiana and Missouri flipped back to McCain, but Indiana never should have even been in play this whole time. Indiana is only McCain's by 2 percentage points, it was Bush's by 20 points in 2004.
The states where there is a greater spread than 10 points between the candidates, favour Obama over McCain by about 2 to 1.
This won't be a blowout, like in 1996 or 1984, but it won't be at all close like in 2000 or 2004. My educated guess is it will be like 1992, where Obama will win, by large enough margins to outvote the fraud Republicans will attempt to pull on Election Day, but not enough for a full landslide. At slight odds are a narrow win by Obama. McCain cannot win. Period.
Tomorrow I will post hourly updates as the states are called for the candidates, so stay tuned for those!
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