North Carolina fell back to the Republicans (not too surprising there) but McCain's only by 2 points. But Missouri is now deadlocked 48-48 like NC was on my last update.
North Dakota swung to Obama by 2 points, which is really surprising, considering who we're talking about here.
West Virginia has finally gone blue, like it should be been. Obama is up by 8 points there; the state has a lot of Democratic state office holders, but Obama is black, and myself coming from an area that is inwardly, if not also outwardly, racist, this is nice to see.
The rest of the map is unchanged, with the West Coast, Great Lakes and Northeast states Obama's.
Swing states.
Moved down to 17 states with less than 10 points between the candidates. 8 states are close swing states (less than 5 points spread) - Obama: Colorado, Florida, Nevada, Ohio and North Dakota; McCain: Indiana and North Carolina; Missouri as the dead-even state.
Interesting highlights.
Up to 29 states for Obama and down to 21 states for McCain.
I'm guessing the October surprise is just around the corner. I'm hoping it isn't terrorist related but you never know, especially considering all those terror alerts issued by Republican Tom Ridge that helped Bush maintain and increase his lead over Kerry.
Visit the following sites:
270toWin.com, to generate maps like I do.
Electoral-Vote.com, to get your own state poll data.
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