The reason I like this quiz so much are for a few reasons. The main reason is it's not just about gays, abortion or gun control. Those issues are listed, yes, but among other questions as well. Another reason is because it tells you what your answer means. When you click on the question it's asking, it says what it means if you support or oppose a particular stance. The side the question asks from also goes back and forth between the typically liberal and typically conservative view, so as to not show bias towards a particular side of an issue. Also, in case you need more information about the issue in question, it provides more detailed information in a quite non-partisan way. Very cool.
Then it will show you where you lie on the political spectrum. Most folks think it's left or right. Very wrong. Here's where I am currently:

The quiz asks if you support or oppose a series if issues ranging from abortion to national defense. You also rank whether you strongly support or just regular support the issue, and an option for No Opinion/Neutral if need be. Here are my answers:
Individual Rights
Support - Abortion is a Woman's Right
Oppose - Require Companies to Hire More Women/Minorities
Strongly Support - Sexual Orientation Protected by Civil Rights Laws
Oppose - Permit Prayer In Public Schools
Domestic Issues
Oppose - Death Penalty
Strongly Oppose - Mandatory "Three Strikes" Sentencing Laws
Oppose - Absolute Right to Gun Ownership
Support - More Federal Funding For Health Coverage
Oppose - Privatize Social Security
Oppose - Parents Choose Schools Via Vouchers
Strongly Support - Reduce use of coal, oil, & nuclear energy
Strongly Oppose - Drugs Damage Society: Enforce Laws Against Use
Support - Allow Churches to Provide Welfare Services
Economic Issues
Oppose - Decrease overall taxation of the wealthy
Support - Immigration Helps Our Economy - Encourage It
Support - Support and Expand Free Trade
Defense & International Issues
Oppose - More Spending on Armed Forces
Strongly Support - Reduce Spending on Missile Defense ("Star Wars")
Support - Link Human Rights to Trade With China
Support - Seek UN approval for military action
I scored 78% for my personal score and 30% for my economic score. The higher personal score one has, the more social freedoms you would support (pro-choice, no Drug War, etc). The higher economic score, the more economic freedoms you would support (free trade, less taxes, etc). A hardcore liberal, then, would be 100% and 0%. A hardcore conservative would be 0% and 100%, libertarians 100% for both and authoritarians are 0% for both.
What are you? Let me know!
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