Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm not sure who is more to blame for the latest Clinton "crisis," the mainstream media or the Obama for President campaign, but it's at best silly and at worst just plain disgusting.

There has been an uproar about a recent comment Hillary Clinton made to the Argus Leader, a newspaper in South Dakota. Clinton has referenced the long Democratic presidential primary during the 1968 election cycle when explaining that this particular cycle is not unusually long. She brought up both her own husband's run in 1992 and the 1968 primary process, both running through June and ending in California. The front runner at the time was Robert Kennedy, who was assassinated the night of the California primaries.

The unfortunate reaction by the Obama campaign, and the subsequent "fake" rage by the media, as perpetuated by the Obama campaign, is they believed she was saying something quite as despicable as likening Obama to Kennedy and that he will surely meet his doom via assassination as well.

What? No, seriously, I mean, WTF?!

First off, she referenced Kennedy and his assassination in response to a question about this "unusually" long primary season; it is a fact that Kennedy was running in 1968, that 1968 was a longer-than-usual primary season, and also that he was assassinated. This is not a simple algebra equation where, because Clinton references Kennedy in 1968, that she thinks Obama will or should be assassinated. Idiots.

Secondly, she also referenced the fact that her husband's run for Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party in 1992 was also long-ran and drawn out.

It almost sounds to me like Obama doesn't like her still in the race. I have said before, I think on here, that I think she should get out, gracefully, for the good of the Party. But she doesn't need to be forced out on made up charges of her calling for him to be assassinated.

I guess the most amusing part of all this is that both the editor of the SD paper and Bobby Kennedy, Jr (yes, the assassinated presidential contender's son) have released statements supporting Clinton's assertion that she was not calling for Obama's death but merely answering folks who say she is unnecessarily drawing out the primary season. Also, she has already made a similar comment TWO months ago, again referencing the 1968 and 1992 drawn out primaries for Democratic presidential nominee. No loud mouth retorts that she is calling for his death then, were there? Hmmm.

Obama has since then said "I don't think that Senator Clinton intended anything by it," and that "we should put it behind us." Of course this is only after the Obama campaign issued a statement saying the comment "was unfortunate and has no place in this campaign." It's always nice to walk back a statement after the damage has been made.

Now let me make this clear: I understand this is politics, and that Clinton is certainly not innocent of her own politicking against Obama. But Obama, long run in the media as someone who never goes negative, is certainly guilty of taking Clinton's comments out of context in a very unseemly way.

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